Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Sugar Sisters

I had a meeting with a client today about designing a logo for their cupcake company 'Sugar Sisters'. The client is looking for a 'kitch' style logo and a flyer to reflect their cupcake business. I am going to dedicate a couple of hours over the next week to ideas generation for this brief and hope to start development after I hand in my digital skills.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Digital Skills

Since handing in my contextual studies assignment I have spent a few days tidying up my digital skills folder, annotating screen shots and working through a few extra tutorials to add to it. I have included a repeat pattern tutorial that I looked at during my research for WBL and a couple of magazine spreads. After a review of my work so far, I felt that it would be beneficial to do a little more work with InDesign so I decided to work through some of the tutorials I had previously completed as a refresher and added some extra notes and annotation to my screen shots as I did so. I aim to have my digital skills folder complete by Friday 4th ready for hand in the week after. 

This is a link to the repeat pattern tutorial that I followed in my WBL research, simple but effective...

Repeat Pattern Tutorial